Wednesday, January 24, 2007


This post is a tribute to the coolest band ever, and this band is OK GO ofcourse ya3ni. One look at their vid ages ago and i said they deserve a tribute bes ajalt-ha o ajalt-ha fa al7een since the england trip is over gilt its the perfect time to show you the vid ! :r

some comments on the vid :r

chambers182: Probably the best music clip ever.
I can't think of a person I know who hasn't seen this.
ma7abayt a7ad feekum ikoon left out :p


numba1TT: OK GO r ledge so she says! lol! love it!!! talented boiz! smashing work! ingenious idea! keep up the sport!

if you hate it crawl up in a dark corner and die, cuz you see ppl r already calling them legends
McVinster: And the guy with major sideburns is Tim Nordwind.Respect him.

OK Go are cooler than you!

sorry but they are :p
tjwidereceiver85: penitastic
no comment :p
AlexEXE: Can you believe that they shot this video in ONE take?
Seriously, thats sweet.
not sweet WICKED ! :r

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Trip - a Squeezed Finale -

well im kinda getting bored of talkin bout my trip so gilt il ditch the rest of what we did and just end it with stories of New Year. Since it was suppossed to be the 2nd highlight of our trip after the match ofcourse so yea well NEW YEARS woho ..well it wasnt that gr8.. infact this years new years was OK at best bes ya3ni we managed to enjoy it as much as we can but damn em cops :r

well so what did we do ? We did what we do every year .. and thats goin to trafalgar square for the countdown and seige the streets of london wandering around followin the masses and messing around with as many drunks and high people as we can :D IT IS FUN i dunno if you've ever been around the people there bes wala like last years was unforgettable it was a bunch of lil things that cracked us up and we never get tired of talkin bout them and when i look for such stories this year i recall none.. cept my haterd to the cops. Why you may ask, welll il start with my first year. It was my first time in london and we had NO idea where to go. Like shinsawi so we come up with this uncanny plan. Our hotel has this hot red head and she just got of her shift and joined another bunch of girls and they were goin somewhere so we spot them and we're like erm i bet theyr goin to a cool party or club or what not lets follow them and see if we can sneak in or something :D LOL well so we're walkin til we realized all of oxford street were goin to where they were goin and that was trafalgar square so we followed the masses and slowly people were so drunk and high the streets smelled of WEED ! everyone was partying the countdown just finished and people were already wasted all over. Me and my friend decided what best celebrate our first year other than by getting lost and tryna find our way back my fuckin around with drunk n high people. So we did :p lol we went wila inshoof a guy in a tux climbin a lampost LOL we went and cheered him on ahhaha we got the whole crowd goin with us lol poor guy got arrested for it but hey he made it to the top =) we discovered Wasabi back then too :p and a bunch of other stuff.

2nd year we met the now famous Bulgarian and Italian duo :p these guys rocked ! two big guys late thirties early forties they come up to me and their like HAPPY NEW YEAR and we hug o insalim salam 3arabi :P and the guy puts his aram around me hes like im from BULGARIA and i was like ooooo STOICHKOV ! ( famous bulgarian footballer ) then the other guy was like im from Italy. And then theyr like heyy you have weed ? i was like No sorry no weed. Hes like me no police.. you have weed ;) ?? Im like no sorry Finito i give it all =( then hes like aaa HAPPY NEW YEAR and hugs me again :P and hes like we no police no police and im like finito you come before an hour i give you but now finito. The i turn at the other guy wila the Italian was asking my friend for a BJ xP LOL and the bastard points at me so now i have to guys with their arms around me one asking for a BJ the other for weed ahahahhahah and im just cracking up playing along with the weed guy bes i had to turn down the BJ and then they left.

They were then followed by the happy new year dude :p the happy new year dude was like the happiest dude ever ! maskeen he was sooo stoned wagif bishari3 and he jumps infront of ppl screamin happy new year o ma7ad ya36ii wayh loll cept for us ofcourse ahahahhaha and imagine 5 straight mins of him shouting at us happy new year we jump and mimic him and do the same LOLL o ibnu9 shari3 9'3eer inas kanaw yaboon yakfi5oona ahaha then we started doin it to other ppl with him LOL

So this year i was hoping for something along these lines we did more bes as you see this post is long enuf for now lol and i didnt even get into this year. This year the cops treated us like sheep. Mo naqi9 ilchalb irakith to tell us were to go and were not to. Kil shari3 is closed we couldnt get lost 3ala ra7atna they were in every lil corner ilnas couldnt get high and drunk 3ala ra7at-hum im not sayin they didnt bes its not like every year but we did get lost :p and fuckin cop gave us then when my friends got tired and wanted to go back ( ilwa7eed ily can isandni ib this whole lost thing o sticks it out with me wasnt here fa i had to give in and come back home at 4 am =( ) we went to the cops for direction and the bastard gave us wrong directions he told us take a right and so we did and i see a nafora kbeeera jidamna im like i doubt this is the right way bes since u guys wana go back its ur call :P theyr like lets go they trust the cop more than me so meh lolll mishayna 15 mins just goin straight wila yi6la3 mukan '3ala6 ahahahhahah then we had to walk alll that back and take the left instead and we found our way back the tube was then open for free so we took that home :r its the first year we dont walk all the way back to the hotel but hey atleast we didnt take a cab :r and oo did i mention a riot broke out and ppl were fighting with the cops and we nearly got sucked in the middle of it :P but we managed to make a break for it before the cops on horses came in to really beat the shit out of more drunk ppl.

oo but a few highlights to remember from this trip was the breast cancer dude lol wa7id fa9il wagif on top of a bus stop thingi with a pink shirt and pink fro and his shirt had something to do with the breast cancer awareness, well if it was awareness he wanted to spread i think he did a good job grabbing our attention :P

oo the second thing while we were roaming around getting lost manshoof ila the cheesiest limo ever it had hearts on the back window o madri shino ashkara ya3ni a7ad imajirha for new years it was around 3 am i7na we were walkin yam ishari3 o ishari3 za7ma o isayr wagif manshoof ila the limo window opens o its filled with girls and they were like waving at us and blowing kisses lol ud think its suppossed to be the other way round lol laa i was contemplating asking for a ride ba3ad im like that would really take this new year somewhere bes after a few seconds we decided we should limit ourselves to just waving back and moving on :p

so yea this new years wasnt the best bes its only cuz i expected more drunk/stoned ppl really bes overall we had fun =) and after that i went back to kuwait and got re-united with my favourite duwa and 6arasht my driver to get me kastana bes li7mar always brings the worse kind so mastamta3t feehum 3adil but i did enjoy the duwa xD

the breast cancer dude :p

i finally got round to posting this pic ive been meaning to do so minzimaaaaaaaaaaaan :p bes yala better late than never

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Trip days 2 and 3

Again sorry for the long post :p bes im not ina post mood much fa gilt a6ali3 as much as possible now 3ashan mana6irkum izyada

Day 2

So its the second day and we didnt really have anything planned so we decided to go to oxford street to get our bearings right =P ana adil ib landan bes ily 3arafni wil know i have no sense of direction o rab3i mi3tamdeen 3alay ka navigator fa leme explain to you what kinda navigator i am =D ok so as i told my friend lets go visit my fav restaurant in London ( WASABI and no it has no relation with the wasabi we have its far to superior to that :r if you ommit the beef rolls ofcourse. Im a Negimayaki addict =|, notice i called em both names to please both maki and wasabi lovers who seem to always be at war with each other :r ) Ilmuhim so when we wanted to find wasabi, i told my friend shoof i knw where it is, its right after the BIG HMV, you continue straight til you reach Game , and you keep on going and its right next to Pret A Manager, oo across the street theres a Starbucks .. so see i do knw where it is bes one problem ehehe i have no clue where that BIG HMV is =P so ta3al wimish ib killafa tryin to see if this is the one o bein us lafaynahum kilhum oo 3ala 7athna the last one was it. bes yala after that my bearings were mostly set and i had a good idea where everything is again :p

and so back to wasabii.. after several years of goin there THEY FINALLY PUT TABLES !! il3ada inba9i6 bilarth o nakil =P bes seriously id highly recommend this to anyone goin over there, and now they have tables ba3ad and a bin with their logo on it :p i wanted to steal that bin 7ata zbalat-hum looked cool :r
:q abiiii chicken curry with noodles or rice either is gr8 really,, and look you can even see the bin with their sign :r

The rest of Day2 we went to get Train tickets to manchester and the bitch at the counter neglected to tell us that we should reserve seats cuz the train is gonna be extremely full !! aaaand the other thing she forgot to tell us about was the express train which woulda reduced the 3hr train ride into a 1hr one :r

Day 3

Ilyoum il3eeed and we needed to get up early travel via subway to Euston and then from Euston to manchester via railway trains. So kina daf3een 7ag shisma breakfast o we're up early gilna yala might aswell go try our hotels continental breakfast ya3ni come on how the hell can you fuck up bread and juice ? .. well they could.. lol ilbread malhum tgoloon baked a week ago o their croissaints well i prefer ily 3indna biljam3iya over what they had :r .. so we went out still a bit hungry and i knw im messing up days here but i think it was this day or day 2 or day 4 that we finally decided to go try the Waffle house. Ya3ni my taste in waffles isnt the most reliable of all, hell i love the waffles 3ind kudo b4 my boycott of marina i used to love to go there in the morning ( no i didnt wake up mo fathy agoom :p i just stayed up til morning :P) and then me and my friend would go to kudo and have breakfast :q mmmm i love waffles ! ne ways bes if you wanna compare the waffles malot waffle house to kudos its like comparing cement and ice cream :r The waffle house was awesome and not only were their waffles gr8 but their Bagels were diviiiine !! i only tried two things there even though they had quite alot of variety bes it was always either the waffle with milk chocolate or bagel with halloumi cheese and sun dried tomatoes :q .. yes i like sundried tomatoes :r they may look wierd but they taste goooood :r and so after that it was a habit b4 goin to the subway in the mornin we always stopped by the Waffle house =D o i7na al7een miqtan3een even thou we may never stay in queensway again we wil always stop by for the waffle house :q

So after stuffin ourselves and the long train ride we finally got there.. =D

We were lucky enough to get tickets to Manchester United vs Reading and it was a great match and we were lucky enough to see 5 goals and i was mostly impressed by the reading fans even though they only had a tiny section of the field they went all out to make sure we all heard their chants =D oo and btw i aint no Mancunian but i think most footy fans will agree Old trafford is a must a see. bes 3ala garadat 7athi nisait la ash7an my fone so couldnt take as many pics as i wanted thou my friends did with their fones bes they were relying on me since their cams were a big dodgy :r

That was it for that day by the time we reached our hotel is was around 12 and we were knackered 6ila3na min ilhotel at around 8:30 am so we just went back stayed online a bit in this net cafe yamna o ba3dain seeeda ilfrash =r

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Trip

First off hope you guys like the new look, i really wanted a new template badly, i wanted something cheerful, colorful but instead i ended up with the exact opposite =] lol ya3ni i was seriously lookin for something like my spongebob squarepants template back in me xanga days =P instead i stumbled upon this APC temp and incase you dont knw im a huuuuge APC fan =] and passive is def one of my fav songs so how could i pass on such a template especially since most temps out there are for girls wala kana guys have blogs. So a few seconds in latshofoon ilheadache this temp caused me malyoon shay '3ala6 o dish o 3abil with HTML codes oo ana i maybe taking IT in uni bes wala i never studied HTML !! kilish 7adi pascal im'3abir ana :P bes it was suprisingly easy, kila blogger help o copy paste !!! reminds me of me last IT project, n i got an A n that class thank you :P

And even though i hear Beta Blogger makes template editing much easier i just wana show a few how determined i am in avoiding Beta or New Blogger as its called now :r OLD IS GOLD !

Oh yea the trip well as you see LONG POST ahead feel free to jump down and stop reading when if you get bored cuase im just trying to mush in as much from my trip as possible into this post these arent everything i did just a few bits and pieces for every day there.

DAY 1: discovering THE CELL !!

Some of you may have heard rumors of the Cell but trust me the Cell is just that, a place of torture and mere STUPIDITY ! Before i lose you, its day1 we just arrived at our hotel and due to financial problems with one of me m8s ( poor bugger had to pay the trip out of his own money unlike some spoilt brat *rollesye*, and its not like he works he used ilma3ash ily ya5tha min his scholarship who says they get paid to fuckin much :P ) ne ways so to the Central Park hotel we go 3 stars, placed in Queensway not too shaby at first look or so we thought. We open the room and in the words of the immortal borat and do excuse his language but the room was tight like a mans anus lol well see for yourself it was 3 beds squeezed into a tine room, a tv hangin of the wall china ga3deen ib7alaq iljam3iya :P oo a7la shay "minibar" was an empty fridge =D then upon further examination of the room we uncovered THE CELL !! *dan dan daaaan* yes it was our bathroom, it was the smallest bathroom ever made by man !! 3ala golat my friend its the only bathroom, and do excuse his french, but its the only bathroom one can take a dump and wash his feet at the sink in the same time =P I really didnt mind the smallness but wat i didnt get was WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU PUT A BATHTUB IN A BATHROOM THAT SMALL ?? ya3ni shower o 5ala9 ! that would free up some space to move i mean its like the dude who designed this was playing the SIMS and was short on space =P and the bathroom had no lock cuz well you didnt need one itha fee a7ad bil7amam you cant open the door ..cuz.. maku space for the door to open.. yes it was that small when you open the door 3/4 thru the swing it hits the toilet o it will be 1-inch away from the bathtub =] its amazing how even though we spent a week in that room we never could get our head round how small THE CELL really was! well now pics of our lovely room :P bes 9ara7a i liked the room we only slept there o hyata baji ilyoum fa it was a fun experience def something to remember :P

our "cozy" room :P

btw the door is "fully" opened right now its hitting the toilet :P oo and you see the white packets in the top right corner thats their shampoo for some reason they thought it was cool to package them like mcdonalds packages its mayo :P
THE CELL ladies and gents, and now tell me if i was simply exaggerating :Po n Im standing on the bath tub which was fairly big to be honest, it took up 2/3 of the bathroom, we didnt even have a fucking place to hang the clothes or towels in :P

ne ways i was going to continue bes bagi 5 more days o ana nisait 3umri fa shakli il chop this trip into 2-3 parts :P so sorry your gonna have to wait a wee bit longer for the rest of the pics :r (minzeen the rest 3ad :p )