Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Its that time of year again where i go on blog neglection mode :P i cant be fussed to post ne thing even thou i want to its just that i got my capstone project on one side which i NEED to work on bes mali 5ilg o 3indi all these useless assignments such as the ones my prof mal "career prep" is giving us. I mean seriously ONE hour talkin about ETHICS ! Im pretty sure that if ur a senior in uni and if u still need one hour on what ethics is u shouldnt be graduating.

I need to stop talkin bout graduation, cuz when i do time slows down but when i dont and im busy with doin nothing.. yes thats possible believe it or not :P im an expert at bein busy at doing nothing.. when im doin that time files pretty fast which is good in the sense yes ima be free soon and bad in the sense that fuck that deadline for this paper is way to awfully close and i didnt even read what i have to write.

I need to recommend a song for ppl who need cheering up :P and those who just enjoy something to sing along to while jumping around merily :P song is "Chain Gang by Sam Cooke"

and thats the sound of the men working on the chaaaiiiin.. gaang


Anonymous said...

i don't want to even think about my capstone! ana tawni badya awal week ma khala9 fa i don't need to bitch about uni yet:p

falantan said...

Yalla shed 7ailek and get things done. that's the ooooonly thing that will make you feel better.

ahhhhhhhhh no more obligations hanging over your head. those can make your life seem shorter :P

Amethyst said...

La.. not uni;\


Oranjina fadidra said...

Im always busy with absolutely nothing at all.. not bigy :p


phoenix said...

When the day comes where you graduate(inshallah).. I bet you'll see that all your hard work and effort will have paid off!!

do0da said...

dandoon: not much left here :P o ima buy my first textbook batcher

falantan: il only push as much as neccessary to get thru :P

amethyst: yes uni !!! :P

oranjina: if only they give classes on that :P id so take up doin nothing 101, 201, all the way up to 402!

phoenix: inshala :]

Amethyst said...

I demand a new post;p

F. said...

You'd be surprised how many people need that lecture on ethics..its unbelievable.

I'm ggraduating soon and I'm dreading what might come next :(

do0da said...

amethyst: done :P ive been meaning to post bes was too lazy

f: kilmin igoli ull regret its over :P o work is bad ana i dont carreeee HOW BAD CAN WORK BE :P infact bring it on bes mabi shay isma exams o quizes o ba6ee5 :p o if ima work my ass for something atleast its gona be worthwhile o mo a useless class lana malaiiit mabi grades :P ya3ni my teacher gave me a mousepad for doing well in an exam ! A MOUSEPAD ! ishayfni :P wala lo 6abi3li paper maktoob congrats wayd a7san min mousepad ilsharika ily he works for :P