Monday, January 26, 2009

Long over due

The last post wasn't meant to last that long, bes laptop trouble + shitty net + life just kept pushing this reply :P

the last comment was what drove me to reply, anony shimthakrich ib sheep @@ o no :p u totally wide of the mark :P

isalfa o mafeeha i had my frist '3oozi that day; and every1 was disgusted by the sight of the sheeps head and all my lil cousins gathered up round it when my uncle forced open its mouth and ripped out its tongue :p thats when the kids ran away in utter horror and disgust ilmuhim 6ab3an ma7ad wanted to try the tongue cept for me and my uncle :P i wanted it cuz ive heard great things about how good it tastes o blah oo i heard the deeper part is the tasitest bes my uncle cut it and took most of the deep part o gave me the rest. BTW if uve never seen one, its like all black and horrible :P madri laish ppl thought of eating it , ilmuhim i take the skin/layer thing off o i start eating starting with the back and its like 3adi ya3ni i dont get the fuss.. then slowly moving on til i reached the tip... thats when i decided ok i REALLY don't get why ppl eat this !!! It tasted as if i was french kissing a sheep, it tasted exactly like sheep smell and to say the least dont expect to find that scent being sold on a shelf ne time soon. for the rest of the day i was haunted by that after taste, it was so strong no amount of sweets and candy or toothpaste could wash it away :p

bes no i dont regret it, thats one more thing crossed of the list of things do0da would like to eat :P Sadly its the only thing that do0da moved on to his never wana eat this again list too :p


Aurous said...

welcome back... are you planning to keep appearing and disappearing? ;p

and why the hell did you even think about trying a tongue... weee3 ;p

do0da said...

5al internatna yi7tirim nafsa o inshala im here to stay :P

Amethyst said...


Btw, watched Into The Wild and loved it!

do0da said...

lazim ajarib :P

id try anything thats weird but known to be edible

ive been meaning to watch that movie again bes ga3d an6r i forget it :P

Anonymous said...

LoooL dooda ;P well u did call her sheep so i thought it Would be her ;P ..

and r u serious? eating the tounge? well the same thing happend to us when we saw that poor poor animal laying on the tray of rice, and I was about to cry when my dad came ib kil beroood ripped the eyes off it and started sucking it infront of us,, believe me its a nightmare i would Never forget :P

No3iK said...


madre shagooool ..

widi a9inik bl laptop!!

do0da said...

anony: eyes are too much even for me :P

no3ik: :r