Wellll malal o exams o theegat 5ilg fa ilwa7d shisawi? you have a day off, im not sayin i dont usually have a day off :P cuz i do bes ya3ni this time it was ful exhaustion! The day started off perfectly, i woke up min inom at 12.. midnight :P mo ithuhur maynoon ana agoom at 12pm itha ma3indi shay. Kint nayim at like 4pm the day b4 lany kint imwa9l for an exam. =P nothing new there.
So at like 12 gi3adt with some friends solafna o we hang out til like 4 am in my room then they went to sleep then jabalt film, marait 3albaqala to get me food, o hung out with my other friend whos sharing the same sleeping schedule with me laaain 9arat around 9 30 am :P chan aroo7 ilcinema we went to see disturbia, which btw was a pretty good movie, well ofcourse it is they tottally copied rear window fa ya3ni why shouldnt it be :P Rear window china a7la bes madri ( for those thinkin rear window ^o) ?? its a old movie :P like black n white old by the one and only Hitchcock. Yes not only do i listen to old songs but i watch old movies too :P )
Skip a couple of hours after that ila mi7sin is at the beach =] o boy should i do this more often not the getting hurt part but like the goin to the beach and having fun part. So yea ri7na had a lil swim..what? you wana knw bout the getting hurt part? inzain ka la7tha :r after the swim ri7na we rikabna donut o my friend has this ability to like superglue himself to the donut :P may6ee7 low shino. So the boat was pulling two donuts. two ppl on each. Oh that friend is askin the dude bil boat i6ay7na :P Mistanis he wants to see who can hold on. He was on one donut with a friend o ana o a7ad ibthanya. A few mins later mashoof ila im about to be thrown off my donut bes luckily i was still holding the thingie nearly gulab feeni bes ti3adal wila iwagfoon and i was thinkin, shfeehum wagifaw ma6i7t i held on! i look wila maku a7ad yami :P ily ma3ay's a first timer o kan waraaaa :P kamalna o the dude raises it up a notch o goes faster and starts throwin us left and right and not to mention the waves that day that just made it all the more fun. Faj2a mashoof ila our donuts collide o they both fly up and flip over :P Ana kit mita2ml ina if i lean back it wont flip HA ily ma3ay 6aar jidam wain basani3ha ana broo7i fa al7en ildonut is upside down o ana im still holding, why would i drown myself like this you may ask :P lana i was more worried about the fact when i flipped my head landed between the two ropes that pull the donuts. So mi7sin realizes he has to let go now and get some air to breath mi7sin lets go so mi7sin is in his place bes the donuts are moving, and if the donuts are moving so are the ropes around mi7sins neck and last i checked necks dont like fast moving ropes :P The result is the pic below :P
I knw u cant tell the size of it from here bes its about 4-5 inches long :P Awal ma 6ila3t min ilba7ar ri7t to get it sprayed on mashoof ila the ppl in the shop @@ wa7d wara ithany o ana mayit abi ashoofha o kil rabi3i @@ mi7sin a7777 shino hatha ?! o ana mashooof i cant look at my neck !! i hate that i wanted to see my scar :(
Yali the dude birisha spray mu6ahir or somthing loll his english was poor he was like i put spray but pain. Im like yea its ok pains not a problem. ( I got this sick habbit ever since i was a kid, i love love love spraying cologne on an open wound and feeling it burn :P so when i said i was ok i really meant =D cant wait bring it on :P ) i6ali3ni o yith7ak li7mar :P hes like no no PAIN! im like yea yea its ok dont worry. Shaf maku fayda feeni then hes looks at my friend and hes like i put spray he will start jumping, PAIN! The spray comes and he puts it awal shay 6ab3an baaaarid then it starts to stick then i feel FIRE ! and IT WAS GOOD ! i loved the spray :P the only way to describe the pain is it3arfoon lama ga3deen jidam duwa wit7u6oon eedkum over the fire for too long and too close o yabdi ya7rigkum it was like that bes this time i knw i can keep it there without hurting me :P
You'd think id go take it easy for the day bes i didnt :P i went played volleyball got me ass kicked :P then rija3t 3ashan irisha again =D bes the 2nd time it didnt burn as much but it did burn a bit, o ba3dain after that 6abait ba7ar o suppossedly the salty water is good for cuts mo fa it was a constant burning for a lil while :P Ba3dain min ilba7ar lay wagamama ib mayohatna :P oo we try to stuff ourselves with wagamama and then thats over o can ilmafrooth aroo7 al3ab kura bes its like 7 30 now o ana mitlayish !! imwa9l o ta3baaaan mo gadr amshi o can 3indi assignment due b4 12 ! BES CAN FI KURA ! kint baroo7 al3ab bes la7atht ina i can barely walk up the stairs without getting tired, plus i got this on my neck, plus the assignment wasn't gona do it self :P Plus i wanted to SLEEEEEEP!! :P so i did the assignment ibris3a filled it up as fast as i could, nearlly fell asleep doin that :P o rija3t il'3urfa o embraced my lovely bed with a long ass sleep.
Ana youm ti3awart ma 7atait ila 3 things
1) Will i be able to sleep or will it bother me =/ ?
2) Shlown bashra7 to my teacher how i got this? madgar agolaha kint bilba7ar two days before the final a5af ta7qid :P
3) Barja3 ilkuwait next week lazim a5ish irgubty 3an ahaly bes i realized dandoon bitfin 3alay ne ways :P maku fayda il get a be careful lecture minhum soon :P 3ad umi ams daga bes magiltlaha shay :P
oo i answered 1 of them, i can sleep well so im willing to suffer the consequences of the rest :P
Been a while since I talked bout this :P Well so its back I was talking to reem today when she told me mat3arf itwa9il @@ !! This is weird cuz ana wa7d I find it easier to awa9l then wake up for my 10am class. I mean stayin up is no biggie :p the lack of sleep for such a long period is so worthwhile because you knw at the end of the day you’re gona be fast asleep and for hours and hours and hours bes ama having to wake up is sooo hard for me cuz im forced to get out of the my favorite mode. My sleep mode! And not only do I have to leave that mode but im forced to part from my bed! And I love my bed too much to simply leave it especially if its for a shitty morning class!!
A pictures worth a thousand words :P I got this a couple of days back, yes im crazy enough to ask a friend to send me pufak and I was blessed with friends crazy enough to actually go ahead and do it =D thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you =D FINALS
Theyr fuckin here =( and they need to fuckin disappear. Two more weeks of hell and then im off for summer break o maliiiiii 5ilg right now all im thinkin about is pufak, sleep and holidays and the only thing ruining them is FINALS why the fuck do we have to have them right before the holidays why cant we like have the finals in the middle and the end of the term presentations or a paper I can pull a all nighter for. YA3NI AYSHAY BES MABI ADRIS ! I can crunch papers out bes mabi adris :P ily yisma3 adris kilaha cham sa3a gabil ilimti7an o if my moods right :P bes ham ya3ni ive been getting away with this for a loooong time adri 3ala youm bakilha :P inshala that day is not this term =D
You guys ready for another lesson on do0da's demented idealogy ( which ill call do0dalogy from now on ) :P My way of thinkin may be a shade retarded bes this is how its always been for me and im just sharing it with you :P I say another lesson because even though its usually littered in bits and pieces bain post o post my first full focus was after watchin the holiday the whole parent child death order dillemma today il speak more about death bes from yet another prespective well its sorta along the same lines bes shwaya '3air well read and see :p
So the reason i decided to bring this up was cuz a friend of mine kanat itgoly ina she was having dreams about her crashing and the car tingilib feeha, i simply replied saying personally i dont fear crashing and dying madri its just me but this whole concept of death is not something that i fear. The thing that does scare bout car crashes is if i kill some1 with me =/ Madri ya3ni if i die i guess i wont be able to feel real life guilt and im not exactly sure how guilt works when ur dead bes if it does then i guess id be screwed either way :P
ne ways so back to death in general ya3ni mo shar6 car crashes :P like i said im not scared of dying bes when u think about all the people i would leave behind now im not saying this to come off as arrogant but i would think if i die some ppl will cry in my funeral :P and id hate that jad ya3ni to think ina me doing something stupid and causing me to die ( something stupid would be mithil car crash ) would bring pain to my friends and familiy is just makes me think yea maybe i should be scared of dying :P ya3ni adri ina 3indi 3adi amoot bes mo 3adi 3induhum so shouldnt i respect their wishes and value my life even if for a wee bit more :P Cuz lets face it i will do stupid stuff that may come off as crazy :P
Nafs mara rayi7 ilbaqala ilfayer inzain i was walkin bishari3 me and my friend wila inshoof wrangler daysa ibtid3amna as if it didnt see us or something o it was dark fa i couldnt really see the car 3adil or whos driving it all i could make out was its a wrangler my friend panicked and ran to the ra9eef ana i was like oo wrangler yumkin my friend is tryin to scare me so i decided to stop in its path and wait for him to break jidamy then ill jump one the hood and pretend i got hit by it =P and so yea that i did o 9ij 6ila3 my friend :P so ri7t salamt had a laugh o mishayt all the while my friend was like @@ mi7sin 9a7i int ? That couldve been some drunk bastard who just left a club and could've killed you but for me that line of thought wasnt even close to registering :P i figured if i was wrong the bastard would turn and i wouldve just played chicken with a wrangler and won or died :P
I LOVE THIS SONG o may9eer lesson ib do0dalogy bidon la in3arfkum 3ala song ma7ad yisma3ha '3air o cham shayib :P
Ne ways since ppl were complaining the post was tooooo short i decided to add a lil updated a small confession if i may :P its not really a confession but restating a well known fact :P
im in love with a band called COLPLAY
this band is just @@ *insert my lovely dying emoticon* ( for those who dont have me add sorry ur just gona have to imagine my ultra cool dying emoticon ) ne ways ya so THEYR AWESOME and i wana dedicate a whole post to them and highlight a few songs bes ill settle for an update. O if u find this post boring or redundant or bleh then well erm sorry bes theyr still getting a tribute spot on this post even if it is like the 2nd tribute post i give them. Madri if i did bes i knw i mentioned them awal =P ne ways yea so COLDPLAY ! ok ok il try limit it to a few songs bes 3ad if my few is to much for you wala 3ad my blog my definiton of few :P NE WAYS my few
One of the things i LOVE about coldplay is they have a 45seconds song and its fucking good how can u make something that short be good ?? some ppl have intros longer than 45seconds !! That song is Parachutes =P
Mohammed Al-Saleh writes in his column in Al-Qabas, Feb 19 the following, implying/referring to Kuwaitis in general:
Work is something sacred. Do not touch it.
Postpone your work until the day after tomorrow if you can postpone it until tomorrow.
Do as little as you can and make the others do the job for you.
If you feel like working, take some rest until that wish evaporates.
Work is healthy. Therefore leave to the ill.
LOLLLLLLL !! this totally cracked me up!! My fav's in bold :P 6i7t 3ala hathi while looking for articles 7ag this paper i have to write and i just had to share it =P this is prob one of the shortest posts you'll get off me so enjoy it =P
I’ve been tagged by my sis and um-mit3ib ( and they call themselves family !!! )
This is the rule: The Rule: “Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!”
wala 3ad kaifhum im not tagging anyone bes here is what i came up with
1) il7imdila ina i5ty wrote this too, i feel less crazy :P i too speak to myself indifferent accents :P i cant control it bes ya3ni with each situation an accent pops out :P
2) I never got the hype behind cars o driving :P ive always preferd to be driven around than to drive myself o my license ma 6ala3ta ila less than a year ago even thou ima be 21 in 2 months time
3) I think in English bidal arabic ( and they wonder why my arabic is so shit :P )
4) I think ana akthar male blogger whos been mistaken for a female blogger :P ilmushkila its been happening online wayd mo bes ib blogger ( i3tarfaw how many more of you are out there :P ? )
5) Some people think im really married :P i find no reason to correct them :P i just blame deem :P
6) Madil lq8 5air shar! :P i knw how to get to my house by following "the big boner" ( the communications tower :P ) last time ri7t avenue my friend wanted to drop me off bes mo 3arfeen which direction to go so he asked me i simply replied "sorry dude the big boner aint big enuf ur on your own"
7) When im reading arabic out loud mastaw3ib what i just read i have to re-read it to myself again :P
8) I've been told i write like a girl ( handwriting wise :P )
9) My dream is to be a five year old again if not that then to retire to a nursing home at the age of 30! =D
10) I agree with um-mit3ib in that asking someone to go out and have breakfast is a masaba :P ma balkum if they ditch you and sleep !!