Been a while since I talked bout this :P Well so its back I was talking to reem today when she told me mat3arf itwa9il @@ !! This is weird cuz ana wa7d I find it easier to awa9l then wake up for my 10am class. I mean stayin up is no biggie :p the lack of sleep for such a long period is so worthwhile because you knw at the end of the day you’re gona be fast asleep and for hours and hours and hours bes ama having to wake up is sooo hard for me cuz im forced to get out of the my favorite mode. My sleep mode! And not only do I have to leave that mode but im forced to part from my bed! And I love my bed too much to simply leave it especially if its for a shitty morning class!!
A pictures worth a thousand words :P I got this a couple of days back, yes im crazy enough to ask a friend to send me pufak and I was blessed with friends crazy enough to actually go ahead and do it =D thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you =D
Theyr fuckin here =( and they need to fuckin disappear. Two more weeks of hell and then im off for summer break o maliiiiii 5ilg right now all im thinkin about is pufak, sleep and holidays and the only thing ruining them is FINALS why the fuck do we have to have them right before the holidays why cant we like have the finals in the middle and the end of the term presentations or a paper I can pull a all nighter for. YA3NI AYSHAY BES MABI ADRIS ! I can crunch papers out bes mabi adris :P ily yisma3 adris kilaha cham sa3a gabil ilimti7an o if my moods right :P bes ham ya3ni ive been getting away with this for a loooong time adri 3ala youm bakilha :P inshala that day is not this term =D
hello ...
Ya allah!! :D
Ma aqdr awa9il!! At least anam one hour.. o I rarely skipped classes hehehe.. wallah yatni el nooma el7een ;p
FINLAS!!! I had couple a teachers el finals malhom worth 5 marks!! Wnasa.. u get to tkshet bl final.. ma 3leeh sweety kelah cham yoom o tftak.. allah ysa3dk o good luck
Study hardy sweets!
Wai wai wai!! Shqool!! Pufak is the reason I wake up each morning, I live for it!! It is the thing by which I divide my day: wake up, shower, go out, PUFAK, sleep, read, PUFAK.. I do things knowing that pufak will be next!! I want to marry it! And spend the rest of my life with it!! Wai bs bs ana wayd qrqa ;p tstahel :)
I am proudly a PUFAKIST!
9iiij 9iiij 9iij okho danah!
not only am i imwa9la but i also have a quiz bachir and i'm going to study for it 2 hours gabil la yabdi loool
and me too i can pull an all-nighter writing a paper but not studying! exhibit a: i'm online at 3am adawir ayshay to keep me occupied instead of studying!!
eeeeeeeee ya 7ason
bafaaak o nom !! o derasa mako haa
hhehehehe ent embadi3 b7ayatik u know that
well ... what can i say ..
u already know my sleeping patters so u know exactly that i know exactly how it feels and that i TOTALLY and UTTERLY agree with u!
keep in mind .. not sleeping all night is against human nature .. u will look pale .. black circles under ur eyes .. and moody with a very bad appetite .. not to mention wasting ur day!
so yes .. its that bad but i stil do it ever day.
allah e3enik 3l finals o shid 7ailik ;) mo kaifik a9laaan :p
ana ba3ad i'd rather awa9il then sleep and wake up a huge cranky mean mgafla bitch!
obviously i just woke up and this is evidence of how i am if i didn't get enough sleep...
oooffff i hate finals!! especially since i don't study AT ALL! adris the night before the final and awa9il :P
i'd rather not have *any* finals, midterms or whateva. if that dream came true i'd soo be happy!
i can sooo wa9il for a long long time
now im begining to think its not worth it
bs ur rite
its soo much easier to wa9il that wake up in the morning
zain inta ur day starts at 10
my class starts at 8!
i skipped it so many times, i got 2 warnings one more and i flunk it!
shetsawe ba3ad finals have to be
i have a whole month of finals
all nighter? shalah baleene;p
sleep whenever i can !
ana lazim ag3ad 6:30 kilyoom :(
o i hate finals too :(
i thought i commented on this..
LOL il.'6aher i was tired 0o i dreamt that i did ;p
anyways, chinik tadrii.. ana al7eeeen bwa9el lei my class..
cuz its late 0o lel7eeen 3ndii a paper to write so id rather be awake then wake up bil qa9eb !
and dont remind me about finals ! im trying to avoid thinking about them for now !
No3ik: bufaaaaaaak o nom o BES ! :p batcher 3indi final :( o i knw i am :P (imbadi3 ib67ayaty that is)
its not against my human nature :P ive been doin this long enough for it to become natural :P o sweety since when am i moody?? im moody lama agoom i9ub7 ! oo shlown im wasting my day :P i got friends who stay up like me :P kafi my friend kila imwa9l ma3ay :P
so yes its not as bad as you make it out to be :P
o adri mo kaifi :P
Reem: LOL well on hour can be said to be wa9altay :P ahahahha i used to never ditch bes that was like first year ib uni :P lail7een mit3awd 3ala nitham ilmadrisa o wakt-ha i had NO morning classes, the earlier the class the more ill ditch :P
abi teachers with finals bes 5 marks :( thats like attendance and you knw how seriously i take that :P
dandoon: LOL ooo blogs are so much better when u actually have something to study for :P
MishMisha: ahahhahaha EE lama awa9il gabil final i do better min 9ijich adish final lama akon tawni ga3d i9ub7 :P akoon imgafl wain bafakir :P
oo yea no finals is good enough for me :P
eshda3wa: how is it not worth it ? =/ morning is evil ! u should sleep thru it !
ahahahhhahaha waaaaaa *cries* next term 3indi 8 30 !! tadreen ya3ni shino MARA7 ADAWIM !! :P bes il7imdila its only twice a week fa il try try try not to ditch so much :P
o whole month !! GL ana kilhum 4 finals :P squeezed in 4 days bes luckily my teachers dont follow the rules and they spread em over 2 weeks :P
o haa sh9ar 3alaich did u get the email ?
um-mit3ib: LOLL ee and u wonder why ur out of absences :P
Samboosa: ana 10 o every other day :P the other days classy 4 30pm :P o I STILL COMPLAIN :P 7ata il 4 30 mo shay lana agoom 4pm :P akoon imwa9il ham hard to get up :P maku fayda
Amoora: LOLL i hate lama that happens it9eer feeni wayd :P aahahahah i have them now so i have to think about them or else il fail :P
I cant pull an all nighter too! LOLLL :S aaaa finals mn al7een? I've just finished my midterms! lol :P
awwww I want sweet friends like urs!! :P
i couldn't stop laughing at reem's reply! hahaha! i LOVE BBBUFAK!!!!!!!!!! I want.. NOW!
LOL i'd do the same thing for my friends if they asked me!
I can wa9il for a long time b3ad, easier than getting up. Good Luck in finals
3aaadi laa tadres mo throori.. enta aslaaan 3abqari mo me7taaj tadres :P
Badal la waste ur time belderasaa roo7 nam bhalwagt :P 7araam wagtek yroo7 3la elderasaa bdal el noom :D
Thanks for you work and have a good weekend
u like pufak? u serious? o.O
missy: EE min al7een =[ im half way thru ba3ad :P bageli two more
enigma: welcome fellow bufakist :P
Deem: i7m adri 3abqari thank you :P
sleep > study :P
LOL ya intay ya david santos :P
weirdo: you dont ??
o il reply to the other one here lana mali 5ilg aroo7 ta7at waktibha :P
il just add you to my list of ppl who thought i was a girl :P bes tawich dasha blogy midach u think that :P
ya 3umrrrrrrrrii!! kisart 5a6ry!!!
lol ana nafs 7altik when it comes to sleep :( "so magdar azifik" :P
but hey why be down when you know you'll fall asleep sooner or later..
what really works for me lain 3indy ga3da, is a nice hot shower, a movie while im in bed, and i'm fast asleep...
try to not think much about it..inshala ya rabi imwafag with your exams dear!!
and aby wa7id pufak! bs chees wa7id!!!! :P
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