Friday, October 31, 2008

busy doing nothing

How can some1 be busy doing nothing ? =/ 

a7is ma3indi wakt even thou im not really doing that much work , ya3ni ok every other morning im waking up and doing some errands, then theres the day we visit me grandmas, playing footie twice a week, the occasional going out to meet friends  and then suddenly when i think last thursday is just 2-3 days ago its thursday again =/ what happened to the other 4-5 days of the week im suppossed to have ??? 

I wana get employed already im thinkin that might tell me whats happening to my time -_- 

contemplating taking a break cuz well if u haven't noticed mi7sin has been lagging behind in reading ur blogs bes til all this clears up or i run out of morning errands expect longer gaps between the posts and less comments from me 


Missy said...

mi7sin min ziman 3nik ;p

Ex-clamation Mark said...

looooool yeah Mi7sin that's just it, you are busy doing nothing .. -_-

Sham3at Al Jillas said...

Finally! Oh, and that post doesn't count. We want do0da back!

Oranjina fadidra said...

shift shlon life w/o uni is too dull i7tar

Cr8ivia said...

hi :P i have the same feeling kella za7ma o mako wagt and after a week akteshef eni ma sawait shay yothkaar

enta meta takharajt aslan :s

Anonymous said...

You're doing nothing. So, you're busy. I like doing nothing.

Dee said...

mee tooo!! i dont wayn elwagt ga3d eyro7!!
wayn emfakr teshtghel?;p

do0da said...

Missy: Now its even longer :P

lino: JAD tara :P ma3indi wakt i do ne thing bes im not really doing ne thing worthwhile

sham3at il jillas: woops :P inshala soon enuf

oranjina: LOLL MABI UNI :P oo its not dull im loving it

Cr8ivia: LOL shahar 5amsa :P

amethyst: doing nothing is awesome :P

dee: anywhere that'll take me and pays well :P

im just lookin for work experience 3ashan akamil masters inshala