Monday, October 20, 2008

cuz ive been asked too

it was my baby cousins bday today and i was in charge of the video cam. I was supposed to record the singing bes they didn't wait for me to turn on the cam so bes la7agt 3ala the aftermath so i ended up with 10 mins of useless video of them arguing who should be in the next group picture until the last 2 mins of the vid when faj2a bday boy who's 7 gets pissy and tries to pick up the cake so uma was like "Laish ga3d itsheel ilkayka??" bday boy was like " WAYD GA3D YAKLOON MINHA"

LOL to quote tegan and sara "yea talk like that so that when ur 18 you can listen to this and see how much of a brat you were" 


Still october so blue october song of the moment: INNER GLOW =]

Cause, I'm on your side... If you fail, at least you tried
To keep your aching, celebrating,
Wonder making heart alive. . Yeah.
And pride... Don't keep it all inside
Don't keep your aching, celebrating,
Wonder making heart alone...
Write your own song.

oo talking bout writing ur own songs :P i dunno if its just another one of my quirky things bes la7atht whenever im walkin somewhere itha mo ga3d afakr ib shay i end up singing whatever song is in my head o if i dont knw the words i end up making them up :P 

any one else do that ? =p 

laa o sometimes i do it 3ala 3aba6 like a few weeks ago i was having this conv with a friend who for being mean purposes i call a sheep =P 

our conv went something like this: 

sheep: i want to marry jon mclaughlin

do0da: gl with that 

sheep: hook us up

do0da: inshala batcher aroo7 akalma 

sheep: woohoo

do0da: tabeena yatkiblich song wila la2 ? 

sheep: wala mafakart feha.. 5osh shay! 

so needless to say mi7sin came up with 2 sheep love songs :P NO i wont share, not now atleast  i just wana see if anyone can come up with something sheepy and cheesy on the spot it was fun wakt-ha. 


Anonymous said...

I do I do I do I doooo

Anonymous said...

sheep will have its revenge.
mark my words.

hint* tasamum :) :) :)

Dee said...

lol! i always make-up songs! bs theyre all lame n cheesy ;p
and ur cousin! LOL! how cute is that!! but hes a bit na7ees :P

Anonymous said...

Lol! I do the song thing;p

Balqees said...

LOL @ ur cousin
is he fat ?
coz if he is then its ok for him to take the cake, but if not them . ummm .. madri :S lol

and the song thing
i don't think i do it
when i think sometimes and REALLY get into the thinking ikinda start talking out loud :S
wich i really need to stop doing coz it kinda freaks out ppl and sometimesi say worngs things ppl around me shouldn't know :P

Oranjina fadidra said...

its his birthday and he can cry if he wants too lol :p
laish imnashben ilwalad

do0da said...

cat: lol

anonymous: ahahah

dee: cheesy songs are awesome :P

o 7ada na7ees :P

amethyst: yea but we agreed u need ur head checked just like i do so thats normal

balqees: skinny, 3ooood, o mayakil wayd :P

if im not singing im talkin to myself just not out loud :P

oranjina: LOL :P nabi cake

Missy said...

I talk to myself ALL THE TIME :( I feel embarrassed when people next to my car look at me cuz I always have loooonnnnnnngggg conv with myself in the car!

Sham3at Al Jillas said...

So now you are posting on a ten-day basis or what?

Come back!

do0da said...

missy: god bless car speaker fones and headsets they prolly think ur on the fone :P

sham3at iljillas: been busy im contemplating taking an official break