So been back in kuwait for just under a week, and the trip has been awesome! It was a very last minute trip and i would've talked about it sooner bes i was pissed the player wasn't showing so 3aqabt my blog by neglecting it :r
ne ways greece for me will now forever be synonymous with GREAT food! think arabic food witha european twist :p i just regret not having enough time to try out everything over there. They have some AWESOME Kebab and we also tried one of their traditional restaurants oo i had me some goat meat with spinach, think marag shabzi bes in a more non marag dish :P and their deserts ! we gambled on two things wa7d nisait isma they served it to us on the house cuz he couldnt explain it to us bes he wanted us to try it o the second was Kataifi with ice cream; it had ice cream fa gilt how bad can it be :P 6ila3 it was awesome think a nutty knafa with bootha on the side :P bes allllllll that aside a7la shay we had, o akthar shay il miss believe it or not came from ma63am isma Cadillac 99 :P ma63am low itshofna matdishona let alone takloon mina :P
They have one of the best chocolate crepes ive ever had ! *drool* they make their own choc which tastes awesome and for some weird reason they had crushed biscuits in their crepe which after soaking up the hot chocolate sauce and getting steamed up min the crepe makes this crepe well worth the title of my fav choc crepe ever :r Mind you that restaurant is a pizza place :P and they suck at pizzas madri shlown they managed to make such a good crepe.
Oh and i wana learn greek ! very few of them speak english and their language is just way to geeky to not wana learn :p plus 3ashan abaynlukum how different they are Nei is Yes , and Okhi is No. oo and the kh is not the same Kh we have think american trying to say kh.
thats it for now mi7sin needs to go arrange a trip to smokehouse, and no i still didnt try cuts bes i plan on doing so soooooon.