Monday, August 21, 2006

Bits and Pieces

Cooking: well i love to cook but i must admit i aint exactly great at so i dont cook much but since its summer i tend to have more time to do so. Now what i hate about cooking the most is when you're preparing the meal you always get this mental image of how the food is gonna look like in the end and its always PERFECT. Kinda like those menus with pics on them, but no matter how many times you cook the meal it never looks that good! I knw its prob just me, bes once you get that image in your head the food is never as good again.

Tea: I hate it when i go somewhere and buy a cup of tea, only to have them serve me a cup of hot water and a tea bag. I did not pay for a hot of cup water and a tea bag. I paid for Tea !! and what pisses me off even more is when they get tight assed about the sugar. I love it when a place hands you a whole sugar collection cuz i usually use up 4-5 bags ( spare me the
"its unhealthy talk" ill die when ill die, till then i like my tea sweet ) Last time i ordered tea em bastards not only handed me a cup of hot water and a tea bag but they only gave me ONE bag of sugar, and im like.. its ok ill just go ask nicely for more( well as nice as i could with my shitty french =P ) so i ask and the waitress walks to this jar full of sugar bags and me being used to the good old days of mcdonalds, where when u ask for something like ketchup he'll give u enough to last a month, was expecting a few sugar bags i mean they had a jar full and it was a pretty quiet store its not like they're gonna run out anytime soon.. she gave me one.. lets just say i aint goin there ne time soon.. well not like i have choice tomowo's my last day in swiss but still.

Birthday Gifts: We all know everyone has had atleast one extremely shitty gift that just sticks out. And dont go round saying "yea but its the thought that counts" Cuz thats just it some of them have had no thought put in to em !! theyr just bad ! its like i woulda taken just a plain sms over that gift. well ill start and if you have any plz do share =)

So mine was from my dad ( ooh shocker ! ) well yea it was a couple of years back and i was in dubai about to take my uni entrance exam ( nice day for an exam innit ?) and well lets just say it sorta slipped his mind until my mom called to conragulate me and he sorta picked up on it, so instead of sneaking away and getting me something he said that this trip ( 2-3 days in dubai to take an exam) was my birthday gift from him. Never the less i played along and thanked him for it.


3baid said...

"it never looks that good!"

You could try garnish around the dish, it helps sometimes.

"I did not pay for a hot of cup water and a tea bag. I paid for Tea !"

Good point, but even if they do it behind your back, it's likely to have come from a tea bag.

do0da said...

LOL 3baid, yea but part of going to a cafe is the service if i wanted to make my own tea id have done it at home.

Ex-clamation Mark said...

Yes! Finally someone understands the whole teabag thing!
They should ye3ni make it in a pot o ktha 7rakat you know because they are a CAFE!
I totally agree with the sugar t0o, lazem more than one sugar!
Mo 7elo elshay bitter e5 ..
Nice post, o 7elwa elpresent taba3 your dad hehe

Anonymous said...

true about the tea thing !
u remind me of my dad!
whenever we r out and my dad orders a tea he always complain from the same thing !!

hehe thank god i dun drink tea :P

btw,u cook ? kash5ah ;)!

F. said...

You cook! Walla kbart if3aini :P

I don't drink tea but if I did I definately wouldn't want a tea bag!

And about he gift..that was a lousy excuse and, yes, a sucky gift...lucky for me though, I never had one of those! :)

do0da said...

Lino0oh: Wala everytime i complain about the tea thing ppl ask me to stop bitchin its just a tea bag, nice to know i aint the only one who thinks that!

Nourah: 3ad tadreen 7awalt min chai 7aleeb 7ag karack o isba the tea bag thing even thou chai 7aleeb tastes soo much better, bes 3adi one more sugar and Karack is nearly as good =P 3ad wana knw how i started cooking? i dunno how long ago it was ( maybe 4 years ) kan 9aif o malaaal o i saw these cook books lying around the house fa gilt yala ana mo5asran shay il try something o if it sucks ilahal imsaween '3ada ne ways lol.

Aurora: Kilmin mistanis 3al cooking =P tara its not like im out there cooking a thanks giving turkey thou i doubt its that hard ( bes can you really see me in a kitchin stuffing the turkey, i dont do that sort of cooking :P) you can prob buy a stuffed turkey and all you'd have to do is stick it in the oven at the temprature they tell you too and wait for it.