Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why mornings are evil...

Ok before you bash me with the its healthy BS hear me out. Mornings are evil, seriously if they weren't, waking up wouldnt be so hard to do. I hate it when i go out and forget my sunglasses every time i open the door the sun is like angled straight at my eye and im blinded for a good few seconds and thats about when the Bombo song kicks in with the verse "Ta'3silu 3ainaha binooor" if thats healthy im better off sick i tell you. O and for those who dont knw Bombo its that yellow talking car with the kid n stuff.. if i was back home i woulda tried to show you a clip but im not so some1 help me out here =P

Ne ways so yea mornings and evil and all that.. yea see i dont exactly like waking up and finding my university taking on a Silent hill look, 2 days ago it was soo foggy out there in the morning you could barely see 4 meters ahead of you and it was dead quiet shakait ina sa3tii '3ala6 oo iny 6ali3 b4 sunrise =P 3adi that would totally be something i would do =) laa o kint banzil binathara 3ala boon shams chan arid-ha it would be too stupid walkin around with it in such weather ( bes not nearly as stupid as ppl who walk around with them in the mall bes yala nvm il spare such ppl this time )

So one more evil morning reason for you non believers, we dont have enough clouds here to really enjoy a good morning out ya3ni ish7alat ilmornings in europe during winter maku shams !!! wanasa bard lail7een at-thakar ib lanadan anzil bilbijama o pullover 7ag this baqala 5 mins away o i go buy a bunch of cookies and chocolate milk 7ag ilryoog cuz well do u really expect three kuwaiti guys to go into the kitchen and cook something awal ma ingoom ? i7na '3ada 6uba5na mara oo ma dashayna ilma6aba5 7ag 4 days after that 3ashan no1 wants to do the dishes xP .. ooo and yeah we had a dishwasher too *rolleyes*

soo yea, see Mornings ARE evil! :r


Heres the Bombo Theme song and Opening thanks to dandnoon =D

oo the pic ligait-ha ib google ib blog 3baid so thx =P


do0da said...

for me relaxing in the morning is called sleep =P

The only time morning is not evil is lama ana imwa9il or lama ag3ad min inoom in a hotel 3ala 6agat bab ilroom service cuz my breakfasts here =P

Danah said...

Looool 7afith Bombo's lyrics?? I don't have a v.clip but I have the link to hear the song:

Don't ask how I got it:0

When's your earlier class? I have 2 8am classes a week x( I'm already planning ditch days 3ashan a3awith bil nowm!

Anonymous said...

lol mornings r evil indeed =P

Common_Sense said...

morning are not evil bel3aaks, everytime I walk up early I get good news .. bs this is rare indeed ;p

Danah said...

Look at what I found: :P

Danah said...

Oops, wrong link! This is the opening:

No3iK said...


the audio almost got me to tears :``(

aaaawwww bombo :*
i loved ur post
im not a morning person myself
i love waking up when ever i do
and our sun
if it was like suns al awadim!
chan glna ok ...
allah karem :(

do0da said...

dandoon: some1 seems to be obssessed with Bombo =P

Nourah: So evil..

Common_Sense: Awal shay welcome to my blog, o thany shay tadri laish you dont get alot of bad news i9ub7 la2na il3alam kila nayim =P

A day dreamer: LOL bil3ax cold mornings r the best, a7is lama a6la3 i can sleep while standing in my place =P

LOL well doughs not that bad,but yea i think u should stick to take outs =P

No3ik: Dont you miss those old cartoons wala awal life was soo much simpler =P ya3ni kids now-a-days a7is mayistansoon 3ala cartoons mithil bombo o chithi.

No3iK said...

tra now adays cartoons mafehum bara2a !! kilish not even creative theyre all mind numbing

all electronics monsters!! and space stuff that doesnt make any sense!

i hate now adays cartoon :((
wa3alaya 3la 3yalna wallah.

mako 3la ninja o sanshero o gorgie
o lady o ranzi o tota ,, a`7eeh e wallah getting sweet flashback ;)

No3iK said...

e wallah day dreamer!!
kilhum kanaw 3ageben :``(

Danah said...

Hahaha killa minnik! Gilt 7ag Dalal oo Nadeen ina inta 7afith the lyrics ba3dain Dalal ra7at ilsirdaab itdawwir the videos ili Norma madri wain da3sat'hum! Ligaina sharee6ain Bombo, ashri6at Belle oo Sebastian, Sally oo Lady Lady:P

I want to buy them kamleen:p

Speaking of what the kids are missing out on nowadays, tara 7ata ilmasra7iyat! Compare the ones ili i7na li7agna 3alaihum to the ones ili al7een i7i6oonhum bil 3eed:s

No3iK said...

looooooooooooooool dandon !!

yeah their childhood SUx misaken x/

um-miT3ib said...

I HATE MORNINGS! their stupid w malhom da3eee w maleeqeeennnnnn w aslan aslaann it takes a human 2 hours to actually be awake.. wel morning iqiz 3ainaa.. wai3 wai3 i dont like them.. clear;P?

do0da said...

no3ik:EE ya3ni i seriously never got the hype behind Yo-Gi-shit and pokemon ya3ni wain awal Bell wa sebstian o Ka3bool lol

daydreamer: Yea never really liked those =P and id be worried if i did lol

dandoon: eee i saw the boxes gabil la asafir bes i didnt go through them, and ilmasra7iyat kafii they made one called PLAYSTATION !! LAISH ?!!

buteej:Erm.. i actually like waking up after the sunset that way i wake up shower and get out, ama itha gimt 3ala 2-3pm lazim an6er an hour or two b4 i go out lol

crow:Remember the rent-a-cloud thing lol hathi yabeelha a whole post

um-mit3ib: totally agree !! ahahahah ana bes sa3a kafii bes if u give me 2 ba3ad a7san il just sleep that extra hour =P