Saturday, August 26, 2006

What mez been up to since mez been back =)

So incase you havnt heard, im back in kuwait and its been gooood. First Day wi9alna ilbait at around 7-8pm and luckly my grandma was already there ( i heard kanat ga3da ihnak since ithuhur O_O laiiish so early madri lol ) So i didnt have to make any other "pit stops" i wanted to take a shower and go to Maki bes kan fee azma bil7amamat ( lol ily fee 7asharat mayta o ily bes collecting wi9a5 lol ) faa i skipped the shower and went straight to Maki =D and stuffed myself senseless !!!! Must say though i hate going there with people who arent really hungry cause i wana order like a million things and well you cant really expect me to finish it all by myself now can you =P ? ( 'case ur wondering i had 3eesa Maki, 5alid Maki, Creamy Shellfish, and Volcano Maki ) oo and I finally found out who's the 3eesa that came up with 3eesa Maki thanks to my sis =D but now does anyone know 5alid =P ?

2nd day was even better ri7t al3ab SOAP SOCCER !! 6ab3an currently i have like a dozen pulled muscles and a few bruises bes alas thats nothing new my swollen finger is proof of that ( its been swollen for like 4 months or something !! ) lol doctors yif7oo9na 7ag hours then they all go "Yea i think you just have to wait it out" which is what i was planning on doing, o bes for me waiting it out includes playing football. I survived playing footie with a fractured finger so a swollen one aint much trouble la and did i mention im a keeper =P ahahah ilcoach ba3ad maysa3id lama kint an6ura to reduce the swelling he was like "mi7sin just go to the nurse get it wrapped 3ashan tigdar til3ab next game" 6ab3an ma9adagt 3al allah o ri7t.

3rd day ki3adt bilbait kint mitkasir lol , o ilyoum 4th day ri7t b+f *drool* yabeela ba3ad dynamite slider !! .. oo and for those who dont knw b+f is burger boutique. I also saw filim five fingers and i would highly recommend you avoid watching this movie lol [miniRANT] ihya ilfikra 7ilwa bes did they have to make it soo boring? its like they only had 3 scenes and they wanted to see how many different ways they could re-word them. Jad its like one scene id ask you ( yes you can read on this isnt exactly a spoiler ) Is the sky green for 10 mins , and then theyd switch to a flash back, and then theyd rap it up with me asking you what color do you think the sky is ? as if the rewording of the question suddenly makes it more interesting !! Then theyd go thru those three scenes over and over again. Oh and dont get the idea that i find it boring cause its all talk, no i dont mind talk. Just as long as its not the same shit over and over agin. Plus, i dunno what type of dishdashas morrocans wear, but the best thing about the filim is seeing Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) in a Kandoora ( Emaratie Dishdasha ) LOL. [/miniRANT]

oo and em would anyone be interested with a few LowLaki clips? Im thinkin of posting a couple up next entry bes before i do gilt ashoof if ne1 is willing to even watch it =P


Anonymous said...

el 7amdillah 3al salamah hehe
w salamat on ur finger ><

lol 9ara7ah lolaky thekrayat il 6foolah :P
we have kil il ajza2 !
on video tapes lil asaf la w ba3ad the "small" video tapes if u remember them :S

Ex-clamation Mark said...

Al7amdilla 3la salamtek!
Ma3alaish but what's a Maki ?
Fallah koora bl sabon!
I don't know how people manage to actually PLAY, I just go around slipping and sliding and kasering nas hehe and it reminds me of American Football, because when someone has the ball, everyone jumps on that person. It's very exhausting but FUN! I don't like elyoum ely ba3d ma al3ab koora bl sabon, ay ay ay kel shay y3awer! (That just tells you how much athletic I am)
Wsh feeh your finger! Salamat ma tshoof shar, does it hurt?
One of my uncles slammed the door of his car on his fingernail, now it's blue looooool it looks like he has blue nail polish on it.. Bes jed mo8ref shakla ..

(M3alaish long comment bes t7amast!)

Utmost-y said...

7amdillla 3ala lsalama ;>

the min. u got to Q8 gazait? lol mashallah mafro9' ur soo bored of going out and need time to relax , u guys never get bored mashalla :P

i want to play Soap soccer =( can i come nxt time?:p

okay too much garga chena :p
enjoy the summer :)

do0da said...

Nourah:Allah isalmich on both =P eee we still have one small video tape player i used to keep it in my room to watch the old movies we have lying around bes al7een madri waina =P plus i get all my masra7iyat on dvds. It makes life soo much easier =P

Lino0oh: Allah isalmich =), Maki is a Japanese restaurant here in kuwait. My finger i think i dislocated or tore something madri o ildoctors magalooly shino la2na ily ri7tla makan 3arif shino 3ashan igooly =P i was playing football 4 months back, i dived to save the ball and i did save it bes my finger dash bilarth and bent awkwardly it hurt a bit wakt-ha bes kamalt al3ab ba3dain after the game i saw that it was starting to swell so i got me some ice. Then i noticed that its bending sideways alot more then it should be. My friends were totally grossed out o ana bes ga3id al3ab fee :P kint mistans i wanted to see how far it could go :D Then i decided to go to mustashfa ilirani in dubai and trust me even if ur about to die never go there the guy just told me wrap it up for 3 days it will be fine, o il7mar he wrapped it without cream or anything fa i got swelling and a rash wakt-ha. O bes al7een it doesnt hurt ila itha ti3abatht fee wayid bes it no longer bends freakishly =( bes al7een i cant even get it to fully bend normally =(

o and ma3alaih long comment slightly long reply =P ( btw i actually prefer long comments gives me something to do :P)

utmost: Allah isalmich o welcome to my site. LOL 7aram 3alaich ana ilpurpose ma kan ilgaz im just a Maki addict gabil la safart ri7t Maki, fa it was only right that tis the first thing i do when im back =P. Inshalla next time il leave a msg on your blog lol.

Anonymous said...

LOL its lyk i know wat u were gonna do b4 u posted it ;p Maki + soccer + burger boutique + then stay at home watch movi. That is so the typical dooda ;p hehehe

do0da said...

Cece: Yea but i didnt stay home to watch the movie i was at a friends house watching it with a couple of people :r !!

Anonymous said...

was it the niht wen i cudn't sleep n my cozin left me o namat? ;p

anyways, still the typical do0da. wat other plans u got?

do0da said...

lol yea same night bes when i was talkin to you wakt-ha i was watchin another movie something actually good, it was 25th hour. Maku ilyoum footie night lol gonna try and fix the wireless on my lappy then go watch one match at my friends place then go watch another match ib gahwa ma3a another friend =P

No3iK said...

7imdela 3l salama dooda

nice having u back :)

o salamat ur thumb ;p

Spicy Pepper said...

Welcome back :)

do0da said...

Orange Juice: Yea when i was playing with a fractured finger i had to play in goal with one hand behind my back just to remind myself to not use it :P

No3ik: Allah isalmich on both lol. O thanks, its good to be back =)

Spicy Pepper: Thnx =)