Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stupid Ppl from Europe

Remember my stupid ppl chronicles all the way from mr I AM SUSHI too the rest of them. Well turns out even Europe decided to send a few of its stupid ppl my way this summer. I dunno why i always meet these ppl. Im starting to believe a  friend of mine who said, i bring the stupid out of ppl -_- Heres wat happened: 


me and my sisters went on a trip to london, on our way to the plane the woman was checking our passports o my passport is sorta worn out. OK really worn out so worn out the only thing thats left on the front cover is the word WAIT , so it looks like this 

soo ilwoman takes it o tgalib fee o itgalib fee looking for something, il3ada they either look for the page with ur pic or a visa 9a7? tadroon shino is2latni -_- 

"Where is the first page of ur passport?" ana 9ara7atan tana7t ihni ma3iraft shlown ajawib o ma3tiqid anlam =p ya3ni she did say first page o adri ina jawazi shway mamsoo7 bes ya3ni if its not the side she first checked im pretty sure theres only one other place it can be and thats the other side of the passport -_- 

too her credit she found it by herself then me and my sis had a laugh at her :p wala low ana min her coworkers amsik-ha 3alaiha sina :P


Wi9alna landan al7een ok, o its just me and my sisters. ana masik all their passports o mind you the youngest of my sisters is only FOUR years younger than me. I go up to the passport control counter o i hand her our passports . Faj2a wila the woman asks: 

"So are you the dad?" 

@@ ishayfatni ??? ya3ni 7ata low mitzawij o ana 3umri 10 mayamdeeni i get children as old as my sisters 

LA o kint 7alq wakt-ha ba3ad ! :P fa ma3indaha 3ithr 5awati msikoha 3alai 3ad :p ma9idgaw samatni oboohum kanaw yabooni i follow suit and cover the trips expenses :P 


Shwaish said...

hehehehehe madre laish but the word that comes to mind is a7san gal3itik :D

Loolykinns said...

sucks to be the elder guy among sisters... pocket ripping situation =P

do0da said...

shwaish: :r laish inzain ?

loolykinns: ahahahah its not that bad yet but i bet im not that far of from being there.

Shwaish said...

hehehehe i said madre laish hehehehehe

Balqees said...


and its ok i'm the middle child and ppl think eno i'm my sisters mom
and my sisters do not correct it for ppl no they say enah its true
and put in mind eno my older sister is the manger of this oh so very funny plot
i comme from a funny funny family ..

Aurous said...


7dhom mo 9j :)
Maybe what your friend said is true :p

eshda3wa said...


elmafrooth u pay for the trip

did they walk around and call u baba baba?

Ex-clamation Mark said...

You still don't believe that you bring the stupid out of people ;p

I have a theory, it seems like you are just a big magnet that attracts stupid all kinds of stupid and even if its deep down in a person you seem to get it out :P

Now I wonder why that is ... :P

Hottie said...

Haha, lol! That's so funny, both incidents!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Yal shayeb;p

do0da said...

princess: << 3naad :P

balqees: LOL :p ee fii farg bain i5t umich aw itha 3indich an 18yr old daughter :P

aurous: i hope so =P more laughs for me :P

eshda3wa: only when they wanted me to pay :P

lino: still fishing for excuses i see ? :P

hottie: =P

amethyst: :r ashoof mi7tara laish should the world end next month ive atleast tried parenthood while u on the other hand are nowhere near either parenthood or finishing that book :r

unreachable said...

loooool its funyy :P

Balqees said...

sweeti i have a 23 and 17 year old daughters and i'm 20
tell me mn wain o meta o kef jbt hathool :P

do0da said...

unreachable: =P stupid ppl usually are

balqees: looks like we're capable of womb sex .. *in Quagmire's voice* oohhh Yeaaah :P

Sham3at Al Jillas said...

LOOOOL... That reminds me so much of a stand-up comic called Bill Engvall. He always has segments about stupid ppl. You should check him out.
Maskeen... but we've all been there :P

isaythedarnestthings said...

my sister is so stupid and she looks that way too and what's so weird about her is that she makes everyone as stupid as she is it's like her "magical" power..so yeah that's my comment

:P kiddin'

do0da said...

sham3at al jillas: will check him out soon always open to more stand up comedy shows cant get enuf of them

noufa: I have one of those =D , the stupid sister that is :P

As for the dumbing effect, no. Since it was my friend who claimed i have that effect on ppl, i should add that said friend also claimed that no1 makes her think as much as i do, so in my not so modest ways il say :r im just too smart for most ppl


Anonymous said...

Me7tara enik shayeb?

I have experienced parenthood more than you have. You only had someone think that you're a daddy while I've actually had to fit the role of a parent;p

And as for the book.. I haven't even started!

do0da said...

pfft ive played barooi too u knw :r